Are you looking to kick-start your gluten-free/Paleo or AIP diet? Or simply to understand better what gluten is?
Here you’ll find a list of gluten-free cereals from all across the globe, including African and Asian cereals.
Lentils (Linsen/Lentilles) – Global
Chickpeas (Kichererbsen/Pois Chiche) – Global
Peas (Grüne Erbsen/Petits Pois) – Global
Corn (Maïs/Mais) – Global
Quinoa (Quinoa/Quinoa) – South America
Amaranth (Amarante/Amaranthe) – Mexico
Sorghum (Sorgho/Sorghum) – Africa
Millet (Millet/Milet) – Africa
Buckwheat (Sarrasin/Buchweizen) – Europe
Teff (Reff/Teff) – Africa
Chia (Chia/Chia) – South America
Brown Rice (Vollkorn Reis/Riz Brun) – Asia
White Rice (Weissen Reis/Riz Blanc) – Asia
Cherry on the cake, we will make sure to have all those options on the FarmNetz marketplace!
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